In Gratitude Scholarship

The In Gratitude Scholarship was created to support members of the St. Lawrence County workforce who would like to start or further their education. Preference given to applicants who, during the pandemic, are considered either an essential worker, a volunteer, or suffered a financial hardship. Recipients must be St. Lawrence County residents and satisfy one of the following criteria: never attended college and earned a high school diploma or its equivalency no less than 7 years ago, or previously attended college but have not enrolled at a college during the last 5 years. Applicant must complete FAFSA (and be eligible for Title IV funding), TAP, and Excelsior applications. Applicant must meet admissions requirements for program or pre-program indicated on application. Applicant must be enrolled full-time or part time (not applicable to non-degree.)

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe any hardships you have encountered and what you have done to overcome them.
  2. If you are considered an essential worker or volunteer during the COVID pandemic, please provide us with more details.
  3. Are you 23 years of age old or older?